A recent research conducted by MIUR and FEI (“FoodEdu@School” 2018) has underlined how, in the Italian school context (but it’s reasonably the same in other European countries), sustainability education through food is based on the motivation of the individual teacher, mostly using traditional teaching methods. A didactic uniformity is hence lacking: a solid approach, based on skills, as well as on content, which could be much more effective for the development of educational, replicable, and widespread actions, for teaching sustainability to young generations, through the great theme of food and food systems.


To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching in the school environment on the theme of sustainability through food, the project aims to qualify the teaching profession, providing tools, procedures, and outputs, to guarantee constant quality standards in teaching sustainability issues through food, and its interconnections with our health and that of the planet.


The participants in the project are:
  • 5 partner schools;
  • 35 secondary school teachers;
  • 250 secondary school students (2 classes of 25 students on average for each partner school).


The project includes the following activities:
      1. Report on the state of the art of education for sustainability through food in schools;
      2. Skills framework” for teaching sustainability through food;
      3. Guidelines for teachers to educate about sustainability through food;
      4. Meet & Learn” web platform;
      5. Didactic Certification “Sustainability through Food”.
  • PROJECT MEETING in Italy, Bulgaria, and Greece.
  • DISSEMINATION EVENTS in Italy (2), Bulgaria, Spain, Latvia, and Greece.
  • MOBILITY FOR TRAINING aimed at teachers in Italy.
  • MOBILITY FOR TRAINING (Field School) aimed at students and teachers in Latvia and Greece.
The Summer Field Schools foresee the involvement of 10 teachers and 25 students, appropriately selected, to the extent of 2 teachers and 5 students for each partner school. There are also two cycles of lab-activities on sustainability education through food, led by teachers, and aimed at students in the class group.


The methodology is based on the PRINCE2 model: the project is thus divided into several phases, in which the activities are planned and assigned according to the outputs. The project is split into 3 Macro-phases: preparation, implementation, closing. The phases of the project are of 2 types:
  • Transversal: Project Management, Dissemination, and Follow-Up Management;
  • Chronologically vertical: intellectual products, training activities abroad.


The expected results are the following:
  • teachers can design educational paths in the school environment, using innovative methodologies and tools (in particular, the use of the “Meet & Learn” platform), as well as by comparing them with real experiences in the local communities to which they belong;
  • students can develop their critical thinking concerning ongoing food and environmental challenges, as well as how to act accordingly.
The expected impact can be outlined in:
  • improvement of teaching effectiveness on sustainability through food in partner schools;
  • increased interest of students and teachers in issues related to education for sustainability through food;
  • development of linguistic, relational, intercultural, design, and problem-solving skills, as well as related to the use of multimedia tools and equipment (online platform, video-documentary production, digital photography) by students and teachers.


In the long run, the project will generate the following benefits:
  • greater teaching effectiveness in the field of sustainability through food, thanks to the dissemination of the proposed model on a large scale (at least on the national territory of the partners);
  • greater awareness for students and teachers on the issue of sustainability on a large scale (at least in the geographical areas represented by partners – Baltic countries, the Mediterranean, and the Balkans);
  • greater implementation for students and teachers to carry out individual behaviors and collective actions through food aimed at promoting healthy and sustainable lifestyles, respectful of our health and the environment;
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