November the 6th – Digital Kickoff Meeting

SKILLED through Food meets on the web. Due to the restrictions imposed by the present global health situation, the Skilled through Food project also had to use alternative ways to ensure that the meetings could take place and especially this kick-off meeting, necessary to shape a complex organizational framework, redefine with accuracy of the partners’ tasks and deadlines.

The meeting was divided into two days, thus not going to alter the pattern it should have followed if it had been held in the presence.

On the first day, after an extended presentation of the partners, aimed at a closer mutual acquaintance, we focused on the intervention of Elena Cadel (Barilla Foundation) who, supported by Erina Guraziu (EEB), framed the general characteristics of the project; the afternoon was instead dedicated to the analysis of Intellectual Output 1, thanks to the insights of Alessandra Viviani (representative of the coordinating partner for this IO, University of Siena).

The second day of the meeting opened with the presentation of the web infrastructure of the project, outlined through the intervention of Tiziano Fazzi (CivicaMente), followed by that of Erina Guraziu (EEB) who reviewed the financial perimeter, but also the basic characteristics of the reporting operations necessary for the appropriate reporting of the three-year project. The interventions by Maria Camilla Morino and Alessio Mennecozzi (Barilla Foundation) related to the dissemination activities anticipated the closing session, again by Dr. Guraziu, who schematized and illustrated with precision all the future activities of the Skilled through Food project.

This time the customary goodbye also included a special wish so that everything can quickly return to a more sustainable situation, still allowing face-to-face meetings and safe transnational mobility.
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