Archivio Autore: Civicamente

Air pollution and climate change: trends, causes and future impacts

Ronald G. Prinn

Air pollution and climate change: trends, causes and future impacts This lesson provides an overview of the relationship between air pollution and climate change. Prof. Pring will explain how greenhouse gases have changed over the past years and their impact on temperatures. The role of human and natural processes in driving these changes will also […]

FOCUS : Introduction to the youngest Italian national park

FOCUS: Introduction to the youngest Italian national park The National Park of the Val d’Agri was established on the 8th December 2007 and is therefore the youngest national park of the country. It protects an area of nearly 70,000.00 hectares in the Region Basilicata. This area is characterised by a high valued natural habitat, including […]

Energy productivity

Energy productivity The lesson aims at giving students an overview on energy productivity. Dr Hobbs, together with others researchers of the KAPSARC, addresses this topic answering simple questions: what is energy productivity and why does it matter. He puts this topic into the context of global climate change and economic discussions to answer these apparently […]

Light pollution as energy waste

Light pollution as energy waste The Light pollution is a consequence of artificial lighting at night. It is most simply defined as any artificial light that spills into the environment. This part of light is wasted, causing many environmental and economic problems (wasted light = wasted electrical energy). After a short general introduction, the situation […]

Energy as feedstock in chemical industries: from petrol to green chemistry

William H. Green

Energy as feedstock in chemical industries: from petrol to green chemistry The lesson focuses on the key role played by energy in chemical industries. The first part of the lesson shows how fuels and synthetic materials are obtained from oil and natural gas and how green chemistry can help minimize waste (green chemistry). The second […]

TEDx – The Sustainocene: era of personalized energy

TEDx – The Sustainocene: era of personalized energy A new epoch, characterized by ecological, environmental integrity and economic balance might be possible through a decentralized carbon-neutral energy system. Daniel Nocera describes his incredible discovery: how to emulate photosynthesis, to store energy in water splitting and meet future global energy needs. What is TEDx? In the […]