The Quest: energy, security, and the remaking of the modern world This lesson adds a perspective on the general subject of Energy through the discussion of the Pulitzer-Prize winning author Dr Yergin who gives students a flavour of the point of view on energy as written in his important book: “The Quest: Energy, Security, and […]
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FOCUS – Energy production and consumption Energy resources include nuclear energy, fossil energy – like oil, coal and natural gas – and renewable sources like wind, solar and hydropower. These primary sources are converted to electricity, a secondary energy source, which flows through power lines and other transmission infrastructure to our home and business. In […]
FOCUS – The Norwegian continental shelf – a vast energy reserve How does oil and gas occur in nature and how can we extract it? Senior Biostratigrapher Robert Williams from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate shares his insight on these complicated aspects in a simple manner. He also shows the enormous collection of drilling samples performed […]
FOCUS – Improvements in health and safety on Norwegian petroleum installations during five decades What were the main causes for accidents on oil rigs working on the Norwegian continental shelf, and how has the accident rate been improved for the past 50 years? This is the question that this video-lesson addresses. The video lesson explains […]
Energy supply: oil. An introduction to oil and gas industry Oil and gas play a crucial role in energy supply. This lesson provides a global overview on the oil and gas industry starting from the origins (production of hydrocarbons) up to the current environmental protection challenges. The shift from conventional to unconventional hydrocarbons is also […]
Energy supply: gas and coal Nowadays, two of the main important energy systems are those related to coal and natural gas. The aim of this lesson is to provide students with insights on these issues. Through a general overview, prof O’Sullivan tackles this topic focusing on the origin of these energy sources and answering simple […]
Electricity generation in nuclear and fossil power plants This lesson shows why electricity is important and how we generate it in nuclear and fossil power plants; nuclear is analysed in depth. The lesson tackles the three primary energy sources of electricity: Coal and Natural Gas (fossil fuels), and Nuclear. Through a general overview on electricity, […]
Stimulation technology broad, deep and successful Stimulation is generally a very successful technique that increases production. It also increases reserves by making oil & gas extraction economical in reservoirs that would not be economical to produce otherwise. The talk will illustrate the depth and breadth of stimulation technology and also the critical need for integration […]
Oil spill response and countermeasures All petroleum industry activities pose a potential long and/or short-term environmental risk. The principal environmental risk associated with the petroleum industry is the risk of fluid spill/emission to the environment. In this web seminar the general overview of the response activities and countermeasures in case of oil spill on water […]
Energy costs and prices: fossil fuels The lesson addresses the topic of Energy Markets, its structure and how prices are set looking at energy sector. Energy is one of the most important trade of commodity and through this lesson, prof O’Sullivan gives students an idea of how energy markets affect energy prices globally, examining the […]