Welcome to the LOOP Students’ Microsites Area
Within this dedicated area, you and your group can structure your documentary project. The planning you are going to illustrate will take the form of a microsite with multimedia contents such as photos, videos and textual contributions.
Before accessing the collaborative tool below, you must have shared with your teachers all the necessary information to carry out the activity, and therefore be ready to discuss and decide with the other members of the group the parts that will make-up your project (and therefore also your microsite).
Prepare a good name for your project, something that will attract curiosity and attention.
You are required to upload 3 video clips that describe the object of your research and therefore of your project: these videos will be merged and edited by the LOOP team, so that they can appear as a single production when your microsite is published.
The narrative proposal is the beating heart of your project: it is in fact a text that develops the backbone of what you would like to explain, show and discuss. If you think of a movie, this could be your script.
The two catalog interviews required must start from the work you did in the national research phase: you simply should transform the interviews you developed on paper into videos.
Now it’s time for the images: it’s called paper editing and consists of 3 images, one of which will be used as the cover of the project. Choose images that give identity to your idea and clarify them with effective captions.
It’s time to sign the project, entering all the names of the group that helped develop it.